The Annual Comox Polar Bear Swim In-person and Virtual Event for 2023

Polar Bear
News Release

Are you brr-ave enough to take the plunge? The Town of Comox recreation department is inviting residents and visitors to our community to participate in a Polar Bear Swim that will be an in-person event on a new date, Sunday, January 1, 2023.  

Join us at Goose Spit for a thrilling dip into the icy waters of Comox Bay. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. and the plunge promptly starts at 11:00 a.m.  

“As the holiday season approaches, there is an air of excitement to bring in the New Year,” said Mayor, Nicole Minions. “There is a sense of refresh and renewal that goes along with jumping into the cold Salish Sea together. The dip at the Goose Spit is an invigorating way to start to 2023. You are all welcome to join us on the first day of the year, new participants and returnees alike.” 

This is a free event with recreation staff handing out complimentary hot chocolate to post-dip participants and for those cheerleaders supporting from the dry shores. Comox Fire Rescue and a lifeguard will be onsite to ensure safety and standby assistance should it be required. 

Cannot make the January 1st event? No problem. The Comox recreation staff are bringing back the popular virtual polar bear dip for the third year in a row. Between December 27 and January 2, 2023, do a dip on your own with family or friends and send in your photos to Your photos will be share on our social media channels, and you get all the bragging rights! Online viewers can capture the highlights by using the hashtag #comoxtaketheplunge

All the information and details of this event can be reviewed by visiting,


Media Contact:

Heather Bailey

Recreation Programmer     

250-339-2255 ext.5700