Recreation for Everyone
Here are some great options for free and low-cost fun in Comox:
- A disc golf course is located across the street from the Comox Community Centre on Noel Ave. No charge to play and discs are free to borrow from the CCC.
- Parks and tennis courts are free.
- Table tennis (and paddles) is free at the Comox Community Centre. Table located in the court lobby.
- Community Centre open gymnasium drop-in $1.30 for students, $2.25 for seniors and $3.50 for adults. Drop-in times vary by day. Look at our calendar to check availability.
- Visit Active Comox Valley for more information on free and low-cost recreation in the Comox Valley.
- Check out the current recreation guide and look for the FREE icon on programs and special events.
TRIP and LEAP (Comox Valley Accessible Recreation)
Free and low cost recreation opportunities are available for Comox residents on limited income. Download the 2025 TRIP and LEAP application call the Community Centre at 250-339-2255 for more information. Qualified applicants receive $425/per year towards 50% discount on programs and Fitness Studio memberships.*
Comox Valley residents are also eligible for LEAP, a regional accessible recreation pass. This grants eligible participants 52 free admissions to drop-in recreation programs/services/activities at Courtenay, Comox Valley Regional District, Cumberland and Comox recreation facilities.
2025 TRIP and LEAP application
How do I apply?
- Complete the 2025 TRIP and LEAP application in full and bring it to the Community Centre. We can help you fill out the form.
- Bring proof of Comox residency.
- Bring your Care Card.
More information on TRIP and LEAP on this info sheet.
* Contract programs are not included unless otherwise determined by the contractor. Post secondary students are not eligible. TRIP expiry Dec 31 of each year and are only valid for the applicant it was assigned to. Each member of the family is eligible for TRIP. A family consists of parents or guardians and children. Contact the Community Centre for more information.
The Comox Community Centre supports recreation for everyone in our community with programs to help. We are happy to assist with the application process; please let us know how we can help you: 250-339-2255 or email.