Access to Common Types of Records

A formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request is NOT required to access the following records from the Town of Comox:

Records that are not readily available:

  • Agendas & Minutes - Closed Meetings
  • Agreements/Contracts/Leases/Service Contracts
  • Correspondence, documents and file comments and notes
  • Building plans and lot survey plans 
  • Development Permits & Development Variance Permits – Applications & Individual Case Files
  • Projects/ Project Files
  • Property owners names, personal contact information, addresses, phone numbers etc. 
    If you require property ownership details, there are alternative options available:
    •    You can use BC Assessment’s free online tools.
    •    Effective April 1, 2024, searches through the Land Owner Transparency Registry (LOTR) is free of charge. The public can access the LOTR via myLTSA.
  • Proposal and Bid Summaries
  • Records in the custody or control of another public body must be obtained directly from that body (Agricultural Land Commission, BC Assessment, BC Liquor Control & Licensing, Land Title Office, RCMP, Service BC)
  • Rezoning - Individual Case Files 
  • Subdivisions – Applications / Plans

The BC Freedom of Information Act ("FOIPPA") allows you access to records held by the Town of Comox. Please submit a written request to Town of Comox, 1809 Beaufort Avenue, Comox, BC V9M 1R9 or You must include your contact information, a description of the records you are seeking, and a relevant date range of the records (if applicable).