Business Licences

All businesses (including home-based businesses) operating within the Town of Comox require a Business Licence. Business licences are valid for each calendar year period and can be applied for at any time throughout the year. For more information on operating a business in the Town of Comox, please see the Comox Business Licence Bylaw (PDF).

The Town of Comox participates in an inter-municipal Business Licence Agreement with the City of Courtenay allowing certain businesses, that operate in both communities, the option of purchasing a single licence. For more information on this program, please see the Inter-municipal Business Licencing of Trades, Occupations and Businesses Bylaw (PDF) or call Town Hall at (250) 339-2202.

Mobile businesses operating in certain municipalities throughout the central Vancouver Island region have the option of purchasing an inter-community business licence from the Town of Comox that will allow them to operate throughout the region. The Inter-Community Business Licence is in addition to a business’ principal Business Licence, and must be issued by the community in which the business is based in.

Communities participating in the Inter-Community Business Licence Program include:

  • City of Campbell River: 250-286-5700
  • Town of Comox: 250-339-2202
  • City of Courtenay: 250-334-4441
  • Village of Cumberland: 250-336-2291
  • City of Duncan: 250-746-6126
  • Town of Lake Cowichan: 250-749-6681
  • Town of Ladysmith: 250-245-6400
  • City of Nanaimo: 250-754-4251
  • Municipality of North Cowichan: 250-746-3100
  • City of Parksville: 250-248-6144
  • City of Port Alberni: 250-723-2146
  • Town of Qualicum Beach: 250-752-6921

For more information on the Program, please see the Inter-Community Business Licence Bylaw (PDF).

To apply for a Town of Comox Business Licence, including an Intermunicipal and Inter-Community licence, please click the link below:

Making Payments

Payments by cash, cheque or interac debit can be made at the front counter in Town Hall (1809 Beaufort Avenue, Comox). For large interac debit payments, please ensure the transaction limit set by your bank will cover the full payment.

Payment by cheque 

Mail or deliver cheques payable to ‘Town of Comox’ with your Account Number written on the memo line of the cheque: 
Town of Comox   
1809 Beaufort Avenue 
Comox BC  V9M 1R9

Online Banking Options

Persons wishing to pay for utility bills, Business License's and other invoices through their online banking   provider should select the ‘Comox (Town of) Utilities & Licenses' account option. (Wording may vary dependent of financial institution).  

  • Step 1: Log on to your online banking website and proceed to the Bill Payment option
  • Step 2: Search for ‘Comox’
  • Step 3: Add ‘Comox (Town of) Utilities & Licenses' as a payee
  • Step 4: Go to the ‘Pay Bills’ option provided by your financial institution, then select the newly set up ‘Comox (Town of) Utilities & Licenses' payee and make your payment in the desired amount 
  • Note: When entering your Account Number the entry field may require a specific # of digits (dependent on financial institution). Try entering 0’s in front of your account number in order to increase the length of the account number. I.e. 0000123456.

The Town of Comox does not accept Credit Cards

Making Payments (PDF)