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Zoning refers to a set of regulations that govern how land can currently be used within the Town of Comox. It is not visionary like the OCP; instead, it provides a current snapshot of legal uses for your property. In the Town of Comox, each property has a specific zoning designation that specifies permitted uses and includes regulations for numerous elements, including permitted uses, parking requirements, minimum setbacks, building height, and accessory buildings.

The Town of Comox uses eight main zoning designations that govern how land can be used:

  1. Residential Zones – Includes small-scale multi-family housing, single-family, two-family and mobile home zones
  2. Multi-Family Residential Zones – Includes patio home, townhouse and apartment zones
  3. Commercial Zones – Includes neighbourhood commercial, general commercial and core commercial zones
  4. Marine Zones – Includes marine recreation and marine commercial zones
  5. Industrial Zones – Includes light industrial and aeronautical industrial zones
  6. Park Zones – Includes park and public golf course zones
  7. Institutional Zones – Includes public assembly zones
  8. Agricultural Zones – Includes agricultural zones

For a detailed description of each zone, please see Schedule A beginning on page 51 of the Town of Comox, Zoning Bylaw 1850 (PDF). For the location of each zone or to find out the zoning of a specific property, please see the Town of Comox Zoning Map (PDF) or contact the Planning Department. 

Check out the interactive map tool - click the link below: 

Comox Interactive Map 

In addition to establishing current land use within the Town, the Zoning bylaw also contains a set of general regulations applicable to the entire Town. These include provisions regarding fences, visual clearance at intersections, swimming pools, and non-permanent structures. For more information, please see “Section 5 General Regulations” of the Town of Comox, Zoning Bylaw 1850 (PDF).

If a development project differs from the use or density shown in the Zoning bylaw, it must undergo a rezoning process to change the use or density permitted on the property.