Racquet Courts

The Community Centre offers indoor pickleball, squash & racquetball and badminton!


Squash & Racquet Ball

The Comox Community Centre has 3 courts available for rental. Check out the recreation guide for current squash programs and register online!

Ready to book your squash time? Call 250-339-2255 to make your court booking with your prepaid court pass or credit card. No refunds or cancellations with 24 hours of booking.


Court Fees

Squash & Racquet BallAdultStudentSeniorFamily
Drop-In Primetime$6.30$4.20----
Drop-In Non-Primetime$4.20$3.15----
10 Visit Card Primetime$52.50$31.50----
10 Visit Card Non-Primetime$36.75$22.05  
6 Months Unlimited Pass$289$129$224$615
1 Year Unlimited Pass$469$209$389$969
3 Month Unlimited & Fitness Studio Pass$209$139$159--


Private and Semi-Private Squash Lessons

Call 250-339-2255 or visit the Community Centre to arrange your lesson!



The Community Centre offers indoor pickleball sessions for beginners to experts. Check out the Pickleball section of the recreation guide for sessions times and days and view the Winter indoor schedule here. Create your online account and register your spot here.

Registration is easy! Check out the video below for out how-to tutorial. 

Video file

Are you new to pickleball at the Comox Community Centre? Read our Welcome to Pickleball at the Comox Community Centre.

Outdoor Pickleball Court Schedule

The School District has priority on all outdoor courts every day school is in session: 8:00am-5:30pm. See the weekly Outdoor Pickleball Courts Schedule posted below during the school year (no schedule posted December to March). Courts are open to the public outside of school hours and when schools have chosen not to use the courts.

Pickleball Outdoor Courts Code of Conduct

  1. Courts are open 6:00am-11:00pm.
  2. This is an alcohol-free, drug-free, smoking-free zone.
  3. Courts are only for pickleball. 
  4. No animals permitted on courts.
  5. The Outdoor Courts are for all levels of play. Everyone is welcome.
  6. Public court time limited to one game to 11, win by one point, when four or more players are waiting. 
  7. No private, professional lessons permitted. Volunteer lessons permitted.
  8. Leave courts and surrounding area clean.
  9. Call Comox Parks Department at 250-339-2421 for maintenance issues.
  10. Courts are unsupervised; play at your own risk. Call 911 in an emergency

For more information on pickleball in Comox and the Comox Valley visit the Comox Valley Pickleball Association



Check out the recreation guide or the online registration site for current tennis programs for children, youth and adults.

Visit our Parks page for the locations and amenities at Comox's tennis courts. For more information on tennis in Comox and in the Comox Valley go to the Comox Valley Tennis Club.
