The Town of Comox allows secondary suites in the Town’s Residential Zones.
Secondary Suites can benefit different sectors within a community by providing mortgage help for first time home buyers and young families, while offering maintenance and income assistance for existing owners who want to age in place.
What is a Secondary Suite?
The Town of Comox defines a secondary suite as a legal suite located within a single family detached house or duplex and must meet the following requirements:
- The secondary suite must be located in a single-family dwelling unit or a two-family dwelling unit
- The secondary suite must be completely contained within the principal building
- The secondary suite must have its own entrance separate from that of the other dwelling unit.
One individually accessible off-street parking space per is required for each dwelling unit.
Residential fees for water, sewer and garbage collection are levied per residential unit. A secondary suite is a residential unit; as a result, the residential fees will double once a suite is constructed. Paying for two residential units of garbage allows for the pickup of two garbage cans. Switching to metered billing from flat fees can reduce the water fee, depending on water use.
Where are Secondary Suites allowed?
Currently, secondary suites are allowed in the following zones:
R1.0, R1.1, R1.2, R1.3, R3.3, R3.4, R3.5, R3.6, R3.7, CD5, CD9, CD15, CD18, and AG1.1.
See the Town of Comox Zoning Map (PDF) & the Comox Zoning Bylaw 1850 (PDF) for more information.
A Development Permit Area (DPA) #18: Secondary Suites was created to:
1. Establish objectives:
• For the form and character of intensive residential development consisting of side-by-side secondary suites;
• To promote energy and water conservation; and
• To promote a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions;
2. Create a series of exemptions to allow developments that meet standard design criteria to proceed without development permit application; and
3. Create guidelines for non-standard proposals.
Side-by-side secondary suites may require a Development Permit in addition to a Building Permit.
Contact the Planning Department to request a Development Permit exemption letter (email or call 250-339-1118).
Permitting Process for Secondary Suites
In order to have a secondary suite approved, you must obtain a building permit from the Town of Comox. You (or your authorized agent) must apply for the building permit in person at the Town of Comox Building Inspection Department. This is to ensure all secondary suites comply with the BC Building Code and provide minimum health and safety standards for occupants while mitigating undue costs on homeowners.
For more details regarding the permitting process for Secondary Suites, contact the Town of Comox Building Inspection Department at 250-339-2259.