Nominations for Town Council and School Trustee; Mayor Acclaimed

News Release

For immediate release

September 12, 2022

Candidate nominations in the upcoming local government election closed Friday, September 9 at 4 p.m. with Nicole Minions running and acclaimed to the position of Town Mayor.

Nicole Minions - Acclaimed for Mayor
Nicole Minions - Acclaimed to the Office of Mayor


The following candidates have filed nominations for the six councillor seats and one school trustee seat. 

Candidates for the office of Councillor, in last name alphabetical order, are: 

  • BISSINGER, Alex (Town of Comox)
  • BLACKLOCK, Steve (Town of Comox)
  • DAVIS, Don (Town of Comox)
  • DONALDSON, Kealy (Town of Comox)
  • GIBSON, Peter (CVRD Electoral Area C)
  • GRANT, Ken (Town of Comox)
  • HASLETT, Chris (Town of Comox)
  • KERR, Jonathan (Town of Comox)
  • MEILLEUR, Jenn (Town of Comox)
  • RUBY. S (City of Courtenay)
  • SWIFT, Maureen (Town of Comox)

Candidates for the office of School Trustee, in last name alphabetical order, are:

  • BALDWIN, Randi (City of Courtenay)
  • LESLIE, Susan (City of Courtenay)
  • TRILL, Vicky (Town of Comox)

All nominated candidates have until 4 p.m. on Friday, September 16, 2022, to withdraw their names from the ballot if desired. 

Eligible electors can head to the polls to cast their ballot on general voting day, October 15 or vote in advance polls, or by mail ballot option. The Town encourages eligible electors who are on the voters list and who wish to vote by mail ballot to apply early to receive a mail ballot voter package. For more information on voting by mail, visit

For all the details on voting options and the candidates running for office, check out

Media Contact:

Shelly Russwurm, Chief Election Officer
