Town of Comox Initiates Service Review of CVRD’s Emergency Shelter and Supportive Housing Land Acquisition Service

News Release

At the January 15, 2025, meeting of Comox Town Council, a motion was carried to initiate a service review of the Comox Valley Regional District’s (CVRD) Emergency Shelter and Supportive Housing Land Acquisition Service 450 due to concerns regarding its expanded scope and governance.  

The Town of Comox has participated in Service 450 since its inception in May 2009. The service was established to support land acquisition for the purpose of emergency shelter and supportive housing.  

The CVRD Board recently approved to expand the scope of Service 450 to align with their newly developed strategic goal of creating a Housing Corporation, providing additional grants to organizations supporting the unhoused and the development of a non-market housing master plan. The Town of Comox has chosen to support affordable housing and related initiatives locally through direct funding to support organizations. 

“Given the current economic pressures on the Town and our residents—including rising infrastructure costs under Bill 44 and an influx of new residents—the Town’s position is that the scope of Service 450 has changed from its original scope agreed upon in 2009. As a result, the Town has chosen to continue funding these types of initiatives locally. While we acknowledge the importance of the work the CVRD aims to accomplish, the Town remains committed to supporting affordable housing initiatives in the Comox Valley through the continuation of direct contributions,” said Comox Mayor, Nicole Minions.   

Background on a Municipal Service Review
A service review refers to a formal process where a municipality within a regional district can review and potentially challenge the terms and conditions of services provided by the regional district, allowing them to assess the efficiency, cost, and delivery of those services to their residents, with the ability to initiate changes or even withdraw from certain services, if necessary, all under the framework of the BC Local Government Act.


Media Contact:
Nicole Minions – Comox Mayor