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Speculation and Vacancy Tax Declaration

The Town of Comox is aware that expansion of the Speculation and Vacancy Tax announced by the Province applies to our municipality.

The first annual declaration will be due March 31, 2025. 

The tax was first implemented in 2018 and included Nanaimo, Lantzville and the many areas within the Capital Regional District.  Some of the new expansion areas also include the local municipalities of Courtenay, Cumberland, and Qualicum Beach. 

The decision to expand the Speculation and Vacancy Tax was the sole decision of the Province.

More information on how the tax works, how to declare, forms, and FAQs can be found on the Province’s website.

Questions can be directed to the Province by calling or reviewing the contact details on this webpage

  • 1-833-554-2323 toll-free
  • 1-604-342-1015 if you’re outside North America
  • 711 across B.C. for Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD) services for the hearing impaired.

Agents are available to take your call from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, Monday to Friday.

2025 Speculation and Vacancy Tax Information Kit