
Census Profile Highlights - Town of Comox

Statistics Canada has published complete 2021 Census results and National Household Survey Data for the Town of Comox on its website (please see link below).

Click here for Statistics Canada Census Profile for the Town of Comox (Geographic Code 5926005)

Total Population and Dwelling Counts

Population in 2021 Census14,806
Population in 2016 Census14,028
Population in 2011 Census13,627
2016 to 2021 % Increase5.5 %
Land area of Town
Population density877.7
Persons in private households14,330
Total number of private households6,672
Average persons in households2.2

Population Age by Gender 

Age of PopulationTotalMaleFemale
All ages (breakdown below)14,8066,9807,830
0 to 4 years515250260
5 to 9 years750370375
10 to 14 years795400395
15 to 19 years720390335
20 to 24 years575325245
25 to 29 years525275250
30 to 34 years615315300
35 to 39 years810370440
40 to 44 years835405435
45 to 49 years850395455
50 to 54 years780365420
55 to 59 years1,125515610
60 to 64 years1,175510665
65 to 69 years1,205530675
70 to 74 years1,225565665
75 to 79 years940425515
80 to 84 years620280345
85 years and over735285450
Median age (in 2021 Census)52.4 years49.6 years55.2 years
% aged 15 & over (2021 Census)91%89.4%92.5%
Median age (in the prior 2016 Census)51.8 years50 years53.1 years
% aged 15 & over (2016 Census)90.6%87.9%92.9%

Occupied Private Dwellings by Type 

Total occupied private dwellings (breakdown below)6,445
Single-detached house4,240
Movable dwelling85
Semi-detached house670
Row house565
Apartment, duplex100
Apartment, building under 5 storeys770

Census Family Characteristics 

Census families in private households (breakdown below)6,445
Census families with 2 persons2,700
Census families with 3 persons790
Census families with 4 persons725
Census families with 5 or more330
Average per census family2.2